Eastside Academic Studies


AP United States History

Teacher: Grace Bailey
Date/Time: Tuesday - 12:45 PM to 4:00 PM
Room: 259/261
Department: History and Social Studies
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 25

AP United States History

Date/Time:  Tuesday 12:45-4:00


Department:  History—High School 

Advanced Placement US History


Grades:  10-12


One core credit


One weekly class 



Prerequisites: All students considering studying AP US History must be prepared to engage in a substantial amount of outside reading and writing.


AP US History is a college level course which meets one of the 3 required history courses for Georgia high school students.  Our area of focus will be from the early 1400s to the present day.  Our class will be based on studying the formation of the United States, its leaders, politics, thought, music, art, development and people of this great country.  This course will be taught on the college level.  Work at home will be comprised of reading in both primary and secondary sources, along with readings from the text book, and writing in preparation for the exam in May.  Class time will focus on lectures, group discussions, presentations, debates, and collegiate book reviews.  Come learn about the past and see how it is influencing our lives today.  Students who participate in this class will have a solid exposure to the level of work that will be required of them at the university level.  


Prerequisite reading/summer reading will be assigned when students sign up for the course.  


Tuition: Sept-May $80/mo  (One time $45.00 fee for photo copying primary/secondary sources for students to be used through the year.)


Take $5 off per month per student for families with multiple students enrolled in Bailey courses in a current year.


Textbook: More than likely The American Nation. Information will be sent regarding text and summer reading when students sign up for class.  


Students taking this class do not have to take the AP exam in May, but may do so if they so choose.


May National AP testing fee and books are not included in price of the class.  

Questions?  Contact Mrs. Bailey directly at:  gabhistory@gmail.com

Minimum:  5

Maximum:  25


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