Grade Level: 5-7
This Mathematics class will involve complex multiplication, division, addition & subtraction; in addition to, fractions, statistics, story problems, geometry, measurements memorization and conversion, budgeting and pre-algebraic concepts.
We will use the A Beka Arithmetics 6 Curriculum for this class to maintain and advance the student's current arithmetic level. Students who are not considered strong math students will benefit greatly from the teach/reteach approach of this curriculum and should have more confidence in Arithmetic by the completion of the course.
The Arithmetic 6 Class will receive instruction throughout the week to ensure understanding. We will meet for a study group during the week. (2nd day will be scheduled after class has made)
Text: Arithmetic 6 student book, Arithmetic 6 Speed Drills & Test Book
Cost: $585 full year/$300 semester/$70 per month
Minimum of 6 students.