World Literature
Teacher: Grace Bailey Date/Time: Tuesday - 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM Room: 259/261 Department: Language Arts - High School Grade Level: High School (9th-12th) One Core
Credit Grades 9-12 This class
is focused primarily on the literature of the various time periods and cultures
of our world. Emphasis is placed on
exploring the literature, finding themes, identifying styles and exploring
development of literature through the ages.
One of the primary themes that will be explored is “war and peace in
literature”. Students who participate in
this class need to be diligent and strong readers. Books may be ordered or checked out from the
library. If you will be checking them
out from the library, please make sure to ensure availability. Also, some of these titles are “free” Kindle
downloads. Please note: Students MUST have the books with them in class when they are required. Texts Used: Ancient: Aeneid Selections, Poetry of Catullus & Juvenal (provided by instructor) Middle Ages/Renaissance: Conversion of the Harlot Thais (provided by instructor) India: Nectar in a Sieve Jewish/Israel/Eastern European: Alicia: My Story China: Life and Death in Shanghai Africa: Things Fall Apart Latin America: Selections from Marquez and Neruda (provided by instructor)
Europe: Lord of the Flies, All Quiet on the Western Front, Right Ho Jeeves, Strong Poison, The Gulag Archipelago (selections) Tuition: Sept-May $65/mo (One time 30.00 fee for photo copying literary sources for students which will be used through the year. Payment is due the first day of class.) Questions? Contact Mrs. Bailey directly at: Minimum: 5 Maximum: 25 |