Eastside Academic Studies


World History

Teacher: Grace Bailey
Date/Time: Tuesday - 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Room: 259/261
Department: History and Social Studies
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)

Join me as we will go back in time to the Ancient civilizations, studying the various religions of the Far East, the Greeks (just what makes the Parthenon so amazing???), the fall of Rome, the development of Feudalism, the great Re-Birth of the Renaissance, Reformation and Counter Reformation, the lavish court of Peter the Great to Louis XVI, Madame Guillotine, Napoleon, Colonialism, the age of Invention, Victorian England, the rise of the German state, Marx, WWI, Rasputin, the rise of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, WWII, Communism, Socialism, the Cold War, Korean War, Vietnam, Apartheid, the Decolonization of Africa, Latin America, Chernobyl, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Kosovo, Desert Storm. Come learn about these important people, battles, wars, and discover how history is unfolding.  This class is taught from a Judeo-Christian worldview.

This class will consist of lecture, readings, discussion, note taking, quizzes, tests and maybe a project.

Text used:  To Be Determined

This class meets the World History requirement for the state of Georgia.  One Core Credit

Minimum:  6
Maximum:  25

Tuition:  Sept-May $70.00 a month.  A discount for multiple students from one family will also be considered should the need present itself.  $30.00 one time fee for copying, supplies, etc.


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